06 January 2016

wearing can be caring

Why is it, that I so much like the fashion industry when it comes to living and exploring entrepreneurship, I asked myself the other day ... Well, maybe one of the reason is, that being a woman, young and beautiful for once plays out to my advantage ;-)

It is the eco fashion and sustainable fashion area, which I again love the most, as it is here where men and women equally live the softness business and making money can have - because they care. They make a living, work their inspirations and make a living while they care for the environment, they care for the society, for animal lives and care for our body and our skin.

I love the interview Biki John (find her on FB) made with Jose Hendo in her Fashion Special with Biki John - Making African Fashion Global.


and since it was so beautiful also check out

28 December 2015

'take care of yourself first'

Beautifully said by Jada Pinkett-Smith:

Make sure that at the end of the day you did those things 
that would make yourself feel happy and those around you will be happy. 

And one of the biggest challenges for women now a days I believe.
Because it means that we have to confront ourselves with the questions: 
what do we want ourselves?
what are the things that are good for ourselves?
what are the things with which we would take care ourselves and make ourselves happy? 

With our relationship
with our children
but also and very important so - with our work.

To live the work modes that make ourselves happy and with which we take care of ourselves 
every single day.

06 December 2015

Da war es nicht der Business Plan, sondern die Leidenschaft, die Geschäfte macht

screen shot: Bilanz
Ein Online Magazin. Ein Berliner Online Magazin. Das sich vornehmlich an Frauen richtet. Edition F. Darüber bin ich heute gestolpert.